Accommodation Valencia

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Accommodation Valencia

You have made this search: Accommodation Valencia, and have therefore come to, Europe's big portal for apartments and housing for rent. Please note that the search results below not necessarily match your search Accommodation Valencia. If you don't find housing rentals that match your search, you can use the filter above to find housing rentals that match your search. It is emphasized that you should also uphold the law when renting or letting.

Useful to know when you are looking for apartment in

Valencia is the third largest city of Spain with a population of 801,456 (municipality 2020). It’s located on the east coast bordering the Mediterranean sea, right across from the islands Ibiza, Palma and other smaller Spanish islands.

Amongst other things, Valencia is known as a university city because of the large University of Valencia, which occupies around 55.000 students currently. The school is specialised in the studies of medicine, humanities, theology and law, and have been since the launching in 1502. It was originally founded in 1499 though, which makes it one of Europe's oldest universities. The university provides many student accommodations and housing opportunities as well.

Valencia can be described as both futuristic and antique at the same time. They are for instance known for many of their innovative styles in architecture, which can be seen at the Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias, where buildings in many shapes and forms bedeck an area of 350,000-sq-metre at the old Turia riverbed. The majestic and rounded opera house is located here among other entertainment facilities such as a science museum, a 3D cinema and an aquarium.

The city is known for the large number of parks and gardens placed throughout the city space. Many choose to settle here based on this, as it gives an easy access to a breather and a feeling of serenity in the middle of the fast-paced city-life. Valencia is in general quite famous among expats, it’s even been ranked the best city in the world to live and work in as an expat, by Expat Insider through a survey. They take many things into consideration ranking the different cities, such as finance, housing and healthcare.

Valencia has great public healthcare, and there are many ways to qualify for free healthcare. Fx. if you are a resident of another country, which is part of the (EHIC), you will automatically be entitled to free healthcare. Another area Valencia has proven to be beneficial for expats is the cost of living, which is predominately lower than the larger cities in Spain such as Madrid and Barcelona, and also cheap considering the size of the city. The work-life balance is greatly valued in the area as well. All of these contribute to a rather unproblematic life for an expat.

The food in Valencia is a big part of the pride of being from the city. They have over 34 restaurants on the Michelin guide and one of them even has two stars. The luxury dining experience only shows a fraction of the Valencian dining traditions and culture. If you want the true local experience, you’ll have to visit one of the smaller, family owned eateries and order their paella. The famous Spanish dish originated from Valencia, and the dish is taken very seriously, which also means it tastes like pure heaven when you eat it there.