Guide: How to find a job in Denmark

Are you moving to Denmark and looking for a new job? Then this guide is for you!
30. December 2022 | Author: Ludvig Kofoed

Are you moving to Denmark and looking for a new job? Then this guide is for you!

When you move to a Denmark, you often also have to find new work or job. When you need to find your new job, it is important that you use a rational and systematic approach, so that you spend the least possible time sending as many relevant applications as possible. Here is a suggestion for the optimal approach when you need to find the perfect job, as soon as possible:

If you want to learn more about what kinds of jobs are generally offered in the area, you can do so via the jobindex, which the portal has created. You can also access these jobindexes via the front page of

1. Find out what types of vacancies you want to apply

Find jobs by starting with start by finding out what types of jobs you want to apply at all. This can be difficult, but it is crucial that you are clear about the direction you want to go so you don't end up searching for too many different jobs. Should you, for example, be looking for an unskilled job, such as receptionist, or are you looking for a skilled job, such as pedagogue, nurse, social advisor or other.

You can read more about how to find out which job you should apply for here.

2. Make a list of the skills you have

Once you have found out what type of job or  job you would like to apply for, you must make a list of the skills you have that are relevant to this job. This can be both professional and personal skills. This way you can ensure that you can also really be considered when you apply for this type of job.

3. Find a channel that has all available jobs

When you are looking for a new job, you must create an overview of the vacant positions , which are currently on the market as well as an overview of the companies that are currently looking for new employees.

There are a number of job portals on the market, but almost all of them are deficient. On most job portals, you can only find relatively few of the jobs, jobs and positions that are actually offered. In addition, many of the jobs you can find on the various sites are not updated and no longer available.

At we crawl all job sites in Denmark many times a day. is therefore the largest and most up-to-date jobportal in Denmark, and is thus a very good bet for a channel you can use to get an overall overview of the jobs that are available right now. You can check the vacant jobs that are on by clicking on the link.

4. Get notified of new vacancies via a job agent or search agent

When you are looking for your new job, it is also very important that you find a way to get notified about new jobs, jobs  and positions as soon as they appear. Here it can be a really good idea to create a search agent or a job agent.

A search agent and a job agent are services that enable you to be notified when new vacant jobs that match the criteria you have entered. That way, you don't have to keep an eye on vacant jobss and positions yourself, but can let the search agent do that work for you.

You can create a search agent or a job agent on At, we crawl all job sites in Denmark many times a day. is therefore the largest and most updated job portal in Denmark. With a search agent or a job agent at, you will be notified as soon as a new relevant job is offered in Denmark.

You can also use the public portal jobnet when you are looking for a job.

5. Find jobs via Recruitment agency or recruitment database

It may also be a good idea to contact and "sign up with" relevant recruitment agencies specializing in the industry area in which you are seeking vacancies. This way you can get others to work for you. However, this requires that you really match the relevant skills - otherwise the recruitment agencies will not bother to work with you as a candidate.
You can see a list of recruiting agencies by clicking on the link. If you want to do direct recruiting yourself, you can advantageously do it via a recruitment database.

6. Find out which specific jobs you want to apply

You have now specified which types of jobs you would like to have. You have also got your channels up and running, so that you are notified of all new jobs. You are now ready to apply for jobs, but which jobs should you apply for?
It is a really good idea to thoroughly familiarize yourself with all the jobs you are applying for, so that you only apply for the jobs you really are. interested in. Searching for individual jobs takes time, as you have to adapt jobs to your application and CV for the individual job. Remember to write a new application for each job, and not just send and that will give them a bad impression and reduce your chances of being called for an interview.

7. Write individual applications for jobs

Once you have found the jobs you are interested in, you can start applying for them. Make sure you have a good application and CV that you adapt to the individual job. Remember to be creative and think outside the box.

It is important that the company can see that you have put effort into the job application and that you are really interested in getting the job in question. It is of course also extremely important that the company can see via your application that your skills match the requirements for the job in question.
You can see how to write a good application by pressing the link.

8. Prepare well for the job interview

Before you go to the job interview, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the company. Read about the company's history, values, products and much more. In this way, you can show the company that you are interested in them and that you know something about them. It is also a good idea to have some questions for the company so that you can show that you are interested in learning more about them.

It is also very important that you familiarize yourself with all the most common questions you can expect to get at the interview.

You can read more about the most common interview questions by clicking on the link.

9. Get a good job interview

Make sure you are well-rested and relaxed and, of course, presentable when you go to a job interview. When you are first interviewed, remember to be yourself. Be honest and open, and don't be afraid to show the company who you are. The interview is also a good opportunity to get to know the company better, so ask questions when relevant. Remember that the conversation is a sales process of yours. If all goes well, the goal is most often that you start as an employee in the company already at the end of the following month.

10. Write a follow-up email after the job interview

If you yourself would like the job after the interview, it is a really good idea to write a follow-up email. In the email, you can draw attention to some of the positive aspects of the interview and why you are the right person for the job. You can also mention some of the questions you still have and why you think the job is interesting. The email is a good opportunity to show that you are serious about the job and that you have thought about how you can contribute to the company.

11. Remember to apply for more jobs

It is a good idea to apply for more jobs than you are actually interested in. That way, you have more options and you can choose the job that best suits you. You can also apply for jobs that are slightly outside your comfort zone. This can give you new challenges and make you more creative.


Søger du job i Danmark? Find arbejde hurtigt og nemt (Danish)

At finde et nyt job kan være en udfordring. Det kan være svært at finde det helt rigtige job, der passer til dine jobønsker og din økonomi. Heldigvis er der mange muligheder for at finde ledige jobs.

Du kan starte med at kigge online. Du kan også kigge efter jobannoncer i aviser og på lokale bulletin boards. Mange nyansættelser sker via netværk eller uopfordrede ansøgninger, så det er også en god ide at kontakte virksomheder der ansætter medarbejdere med den type job du søger direkte. Læs mere om at søge arbejde herunder.

Find job på nettet

Når du søger job, er det vigtigt at få et samlet overblik over alle ledige job der passer til dig. Den allerhurtigste måde at finde ledige stillinger på er via nettet, hvor der er nogle få men meget gode jobportaler, der hele tiden indsamler nye jobs i deres databaser. Du kan således let se hvilke ledige jobs der udbydes i hele landet og indenfor alle brancher. Søg fx efter

  1. job som fastansat
  2. freelance jobs
  3. studiejob
  4. deltidsjob
  5. elev job
  6. praktik job
  7. arbejde hjemmefra
  8. weekend job
  9. vikar job
  10. job i udlandet
  11. fuldtidsjob

Søg job lokalt

Det giver dig en stor fleksibilitet i din jobsøgning, hvis du søger jobs i et bredt område. Jo længere væk fra din bopæl du vil søge, desto flere jobmuligheder har du. Men omvendt kan transporttiden også blive for lang, så det er en god ide at starte din jobsøgning i dit lokale område først. Start din søgning efter job København, job Odense, job Aarhus, job Aalborg, job Thisted, job Køge, job Viborg, job Svendborg, job Næstved her.

Skriv en god jobansøgning

Når du har fundet de jobs du gerne vil søge, skal du i gang med at skrive en jobansøgning til hvert job. Det er vigtigt at din ansøgning er professionel, velskrevet, ordentligt layoutet, uden stavefejl og indsendes inden ansøgningsfristen. Du skal vedlægge et CV med dine kontaktoplysninger, dine erfaringer og uddannelser mv.

Få gode råd om at skrive en god ansøgning , spørgsmål til jobsamtalen, og hvordan du finder CV-skabeloner her.

Tjek din løn før jobsamtalen 

Hvis du skal til jobsamtale, er det en god ide at gøre dig nogle tanker om hvilket lønniveau du vil være tilfreds med hvis du får stillingen. Her er det en god ide at beregne din løn via en lønberegner inden du går til samtalen. En god måde at få indtryk af lønniveauet er at tjekke hvad der tilbydes i løn i stillingsopslag for lignende stillinger. Prøv fx at tjekke disse sider for at se det generelle niveau for løn til sosu assistent, løn til pædagogmedhjælper, løn til pædagog mv.

Få overblik over ledige stillinger indenfor din branche

Der er stor forskel på hvor mange jobs der udbydes, afhængigt af hvilken branche man søger indenfor, hvor i landet man søger, om man søger fuldtid, deltid eller freelance osv. Nogle brancher har mange ansatte, mens andre brancher som er mere specialiserede har langt færre.

Hvis du søger job indenfor en branche med mange medarbejdere vil der typisk også blive udbudt mange ledige stillinger. Det er vigtigt at du får overblik indenfor alle ledige jobs i din branche, så du får så mange gode valgmuligheder som muligt når du skal vælge dit fremtidige drømmejob. På disse sider kan du fx se stort set alle ledige kundeservice job, job som skraldemand, indkøber job, handicaphjælper job, chauffør job, lægesekretær jobs, lærervikar job, piccoline job , receptionist job mv.

Der findes mange branchespecifikke jobportaler, hvor du kan få overblik over de jobs der passer til netop dine kompetencer.