Andelsbolig - a Danish housing form

24. September 2022 | Author: Leonora Jensen

If you are looking for housing in Denmark, you should be aware of the special housing type "Andelsbolig". This is a special housing form that only exists in Denmark. It is a form of housing where people join together to create a housing association. This association buyes one or more properties, and the members in the association can then buy an apartment in the property and pay a low monthly fee to live in it.

If you are looking for cooperative housing in Denmark, you can check the housing portal, which specializes exclusively in cooperative housing.

When you need to find and buy the best possible copperative housing (andelsbolig), you have to go through a series of steps to find the right share house. We has made this guide for you so that you can get to the finish line without forgetting anything. It is very important that you don't buy the cat in the bag, so that the andelsboligen can always be sold again without a loss. If you have to complete sale of cooperative housing, e.g. at self-sale of cooperative housing, you can sell your cooperative housing directly via the service .

1. Find out if you are for the cooperative housing model

You should start by familiarizing yourself with what it means to own a share in a andelsboligforening and what rights and obligations it entails. When you buy a share in a cooperative housing association, you are not buying the home, but rather a share in the association, which gives you the right to live in the home. It is the association's statutes that determine how the cooperative housing association functions, and therefore it is also important that you know the statutes before you buy a cooperative housing. Make up your mind whether you are for this community model in a housing association where you are a member. Here, it is also important that you make up your mind whether you want an owner-occupied home, a rented home or a cooperative home - so that you do not make the wrong choice. For example, would you rather have an owner-occupied flat or a villa than a cooperative apartment. Are you into the cooperative housing form at all? Or are you perhaps more into a different type of housing?

2. Where do you want to buy a cooperative home and what type of cooperative home do you want to buy?

Start by finding out where you want to look for cooperative housing in Denmark. Should the andelsboliger be located in Copenhagen, Odense, Aalborg, Århus, Esbjerg, Kolding or Randers? And if the cooperative housing is to be located in Copenhagen, should it be located in Nørrebro, Vesterbro, Frederiksberg, Nordhavn, København K, Østerbro, Amager, Vanløse or Brønshøj? You must then consider which type of cooperative housingt you want. Do you want to buy a large cooperative housing with many rooms or are you more interested in smaller cooperative housing with fewer rooms? Do you want to buy a cooperative apartment, or a cooperative house ? If you buy an apartment, how many other apartments must be in the complex. If you buy a property as cooperative house or shared cooperative house< /a>, how big must the plot and garden of the cooperative house or terraced house be? If you buy a cooperative house, how many other houses must there be in the association. Also be aware that pets are not necessarily allowed in all associations.

3. Get an overview of which cooperative housing is for sale

You are now ready to find cooperative homes for sale. But it can actually be quite difficult to get an overview of which cooperative housing is currently for sale when you do your search. If a cooperative housing association has waiting lists, the cooperative housing is typically not offered properly. Here you have to research your way to relevant andelsboligforening and then sign up for the waiting list and wait until it is your turn. If a cooperative housing association does not have a waiting list, the homes are typically offered publicly, where you can then contact the seller of the share directly. You can find a very large selection of available co-operative housing for sale via ads on Remember that the housing market for co-operative housing is very overheated and that you must act quickly when you have found co-operative flats that suit what you are looking for . The apartments often sell like hotcakes, especially if they have a smaller number of m2 in co-operatives with lower prices.

4. Will be buyer approved with buyer's certificate

When you are going to buy a co-operative home, you typically need a co-operative housing loan or a loan for a cooperative home. It is a really good idea to get buyer approval and get a buyer's certificate, so that you know what the home must cost before you start looking at cooperative housing. You can do this at your bank or at a mortgage institution. With a buyer's certificate in hand, you know how much you can buy cooperative housing for, and this can be a big advantage in relation to negotiating the price with the seller.

5. Remember to get your lawyer involved when you buy cooperative housing

When you start looking at co-operative homes for sale, it is very important that you have a good lawyer who can help you . Among other things, the lawyer can ensure that you get the best price for the cooperative housing, help you negotiate with the seller, check all the documents for you so that you are sure that everything is in order, help you find the best financing for your cooperative housing and ensure that the association's finances are in order. The lawyer can also help you assess whether the housing benefit is OK. He can also help you assess whether the association is OK - not all associations work equally well

6. Talk to the chairman of the board of the co-operative housing association

When you have found a co-operative housing for sale, it is very important that you talk to the board chairman of the cooperative housing association before you buy the property. He or she can tell you about the association's finances, what plans there are for the future, how many people live in the association, how many have the property for rent and much more. It is also a good idea to ask the chairman of the board of the co-operative housing association if you are in doubt about anything.

7. Check the condition of the cooperative housing

When you have found a shared house for sale that you want to buy, it is a good idea to have a construction expert check the condition of the home. He or she can tell you if there is damage to the home, which repairs need to be made, how old the home is and much more. This is important information to have before you buy the cooperative housing, so you know what you are buying.

8. You are ready to make the trade

When you have found the cooperative home you want to buy and have checked the condition of the home, it is time to make a deal. First of all, you must make a written agreement with the cooperative housing association about what needs to happen. The agreement must state which co-operative housing you are buying, what the price is, when the transaction must take place and much more. It is a very good idea to have a lawyer with you when you draw up the agreement, so that you are sure that everything is in order.

9. Pay for the cooperative housing

When you have made a deal to buy a cooperative home, you must of course pay for the home. You must pay a deposit to the cooperative housing association, which is the money you pay to get the home. The deposit is typically 10% of the property's price. Once you have paid the deposit, you must pay the rest of the property's price. This typically happens when you take out a loan to pay for the home.

10. You own the cooperative housing and must register with the association

Once you have paid for the cooperative home, it is yours. However, you must remember to register with the cooperative housing association, so that you can have both the rights and obligations that come with it. You must also remember to get the home insured, so that you are covered if there is damage to the home.

Find din andelsbolig hurtigt og nemt (Danish)

At finde den helt rigtige andelsbolig kan være en stor udfordring. Det kan være svært at finde lige præcis den andelsbolig, der passer til dine behov og budget. Heldigvis er der mange muligheder for at finde andelsboliger til salg.

Du kan starte med at kigge online. Du kan også kontakte lokale ejendomsmæglere for at se, om de har nogen andelsboliger, der passer til dine behov. Det kan være en god idé at kigge efter annoncer i aviser og på lokale bulletin boards. Det er også værd at tjekke andelsboligforeninger i området, da de ofte skriver på deres hjemmeside hvis der er en andelsbolig til salg i foreningen.

Andelsbolig på nettet

Den allerhurtigste måde at finde din andelsbolig på er via nettet, hvor der er nogle få men meget gode hjemmesider, der hele tiden indsamler nye andelsboliger til salg i deres databaser. Du kan således let se hvilke andelsboliger der kommer til salg i hele landet. Søg fx efter andelsbolig København, andelsbolig Århus, andelsbolig Odense og andelsbolig Aalborg her. Du kan se en samlet oversigt over andelsboliger til salg her.

Andelslejligheder – hvor kan man finde dem?

At søge andelslejlighed er en god mulighed når man ønsker at eje sin lejlighed selv, men ikke vil betale så meget som en ejerlejlighed typisk koster. Det er dog ikke altid let at finde den rigtige andelslejlighed, og derfor er det vigtigt at vide, hvor man skal lede.

Du kan finde ledige andelslejligheder til salg ved at gå en tur i det i de områder, hvor du ønsker en at købe en andel. Du kan også finde din andelslejlighed ved at kontakte lokale ejendomsmæglere eller ved at søge på internettet. Der findes mange hjemmesider, der har en liste med ledige andelslejligheder, så du kan ret nemt finde det, du leder efter på Nettet. På Nettet kan du fx finde oversigter over andelslejlighed København, andelslejlighed Århus, andelslejlighed i Odense og andelslejlighed Aalborg.

Køb af andelsbolig – hvordan gør jeg?

Ved køb af andelsbolig kan du vælge forskellige muligheder.

Du kan fx vælge at bytte din andelsbolig til en anden større eller mindre andelsbolig, hvis du allerede har en andelsbolig i samme andelsforening. Det er en fleksibel måde at få en billig andelsbolig.

En anden mulighed er forældrekøb af andelsbolig. Hvis forældrene har en opsparing, og ønsker at hjælpe deres barn i gang på boligmarkedet, kan forældrekøb være en stor hjælp. Husk altid at tjekke skattelovgivningen og reglerne i andelsboligforeningen først. Det kan være en god ide at få en boligadvokat til at hjælpe dig med reglerne.

Hvis du ved hvilket område du vil købe din andelsbolig, så prøv at skrive dig op på venteliste i andelsboligforeninger i området.

Kan man finde en billig andelsbolig til salg?

Priserne på andelsboliger går op og ned, men der er altid nogle andelsboliger der er billigere end andre. De billigste andelsboliger fås nok via ventelister i andelsforeninger eller via familieoverdragelse, men der findes også nogle gange billige andelsboliger til salg på det frie marked. Hvis du vil have en billig andelsbolig, kan du bruge en andelsbolig-søgemaskine hvor du kan sortere eller filtrere efter pris.

Søg fx billig andelsbolig i København, billig andelsbolig i Århus, billig andelsbolig i Odense eller billig andelsbolig Aalborg her.

Hvad er en andelsbolig?

En andelsbolig er en type bolig, hvor du ejer en andel i en andelsforening eller andelsboligforening, som du dermed indgår i et fællesskab med. En andel giver dig retten til at bo i en bestemt bolig i andelsboligforeningen. Andelsforeningen har en bestyrelse og nogle gange ventelister. Som andelshaver i en forening betaler du boligydelse (eller ydelse) og ikke leje. Der findes andelsboliger af alle slags, herunder andelslejligheder, andelshuse og andelsrækkehuse.