Lundøvej, Nørresundby, Denmark - available rental housing

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What is Nørresundby?

Nørresundby is a district in Aalborg which is located on the northern side of the Limfjord. The city has a population of around 16,000 inhabitants and is one of the largest cities in Aalborg Municipality. Nørresundby is one of the most attractive areas in Aalborg, and the city is known for its many shops, restaurants and cafes. The city also has a wide range of cultural activities and there are many museums and art galleries to visit. The city also has a large selection of cultural events that you can take part in.

Home search in Nørresundby

Nørresundby is a good place to live, as there are many different housing types to choose from. There are apartments, terraced houses and villas, and there is also a large selection of different price ranges. Rental housing can include both apartments and houses, and unlike in the center of Aalborg, it may be possible to find more square meters for less money.

Important places in Nørresundby

If you have flown to Aalborg, you have also been to Nørresundby, this is because Aalborg airport is located in the western part of this district. Opposite the airport, you will find Nørre Uttrup in the eastern part of Nørresundby, here you will find several institutions as well as the meeting point for the motorway and main roads that go in different northern directions. In between you will find the Viking Museum Lindholm Høje, which is a popular place to visit as a tourist in the city.

Transport in Nørresundby

There are several different transport options in Nørresundby. You can take the bus, which goes to all parts of the city. In addition, there are also train connections to Aalborg and other cities in the area. Finally, there are also cycle paths, which make it possible to get around the city in a cheap and environmentally friendly way. If you prefer the car, Nørresundby is a hub for several road connections, as it is from here that the only two bridges over the Limfjord in connection with Aalborg can be found.