
At, it's our mission to provide our users with all the information that is relevant whether they are looking to rent out housing or searching for new ones. Therefore, we have a content team working on news, blogs, data, lexical knowledge, etc. If you have specific questions or need a particular type of information, you can contact us directly at [email protected].
  • Leonora Jensen

    Leonora writes about all topics in the real estate field (news, blogs, trends, lexical content, etc.), but she is the one in our content team who h...

  • Ludvig Kofoed

    Ludvig writes about the housing market on He covers all areas, including new trends in the real estate market, news, and blogs, ...

  • Sara Petersen

    Sara is part of the content team at Sara writes about the housing market on She covers new trends in the real...

  • The editorial office

    At, our mission is to provide our users with all information that is relevant if one is either looking to lease housing or in sea...